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2020.02.20 | Portuguese Version Only
"Prisão Preventiva e o Conceito da Absolvição"
Mining 2020 - Chambers Mining Global Practice Guide
The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides
2020.01.06 | Portuguese Version Only
O papel das organizações internacionais regionais no combate à corrupção em África
2018.12.11 | Portuguese Version Only
Uma lição sobre transição energética?
2018.12.01 | Portuguese Version Only
Propriedade Industrial na Lusofonia: diferentes regimes legais unidos por uma língua comum (com especial enfoque na proteção de marcas)
2018.10.17 | Portuguese Version Only
Um orçamento contra o populismo
Angola’s Petroleum Reform - A Change for the Better
2018.09.01 | Portuguese Version Only
Alterações ao Código Comercial - Aposta nas parcerias empresariais
Tapping into Africa’s Refining Potential
2018.08.17 | Portuguese Version Only
A caminho do céu, sempre a pedalar
2018.07.06 | Portuguese Version Only
Nova pauta aduaneira em Angola. Boas notícias para importadores e exportadores?
Cape Verde and its Bold Renewable Energy Target
Payments in Francophone African countries: a few recent trends
2018.05.11 | Portuguese Version Only
Descarbonização, renováveis e mineração
Challenges of Entering into Mutual Termination Agreements in Gabon
2018.04.27 | Portuguese Version Only
Energia: perscrutando o futuro
2018.04.26 | Portuguese Version Only
Uma nova e desejada Lei do Investimento Privado
2018.04.19 | Portuguese Version Only
O contrato de trabalho a termo – um mal ou um bem?
2018.04.13 | Portuguese Version Only
Direito, cartografia e ordenamento do espaço marítimo
2018.04.07 | Portuguese Version Only
Contrato de trabalho e lei: até onde se pode ir?
2018.04.05 | Portuguese Version Only
O novo Estatuto do Advogado
New type of work visa: Implications of its implementation
2017.12.29 | Portuguese Version Only
Ano de aceleração nacional e internacional
Angola: New Challenges
2017.12.22 | Portuguese Version Only
O Orçamento Geral do Estado para 2018 - O início de uma nova era?
2017.12.15 | Portuguese Version Only
O Plano Intercalar do Executivo e o aumento das receitas tributárias
2017.12.15 | Portuguese Version Only
Uma das alterações ao código dos contratos públicos liquida o sistema nacional de compras públicas?
2017.12.01 | Portuguese Version Only
PPP in Angola
2017.12.01 | Portuguese Version Only
Novos desafios da política monetária e cambial
Local Content in Camerron: Myth or Reality?
Gabonese Hydrocarbons Code: An Expected Change
2017.11.23 | Portuguese Version Only
Um conselho de mulheres e homens bons
Power Generation Alternatives
Awaiting more Favorable Winds
An Energy Efficient Future for Africa
2017.10.06 | Portuguese Version Only
Angola introduz selo fiscal para bebidas, líquidos alcoólicos, medicamentos e tabaco
2017.09.20 | Portuguese Version Only
O CETA e o fantasma da justiça privada
2017.09.19 | Portuguese Version Only
A ratificação do acordo comercial Canadá-UE (CETA). E o papão da justiça privada.
Angola: Downstream Developments
2017.07.21 | Portuguese Version Only
End of anonymity for public limited liability companies
2017.07.14 | Portuguese Version Only
New municipal concessions for electricity distribution: on standby?
2017.07.13 | Portuguese Version Only
New municipal concessions for electricity distribution: on standby?
2017.07.07 | Portuguese Version Only
New currency exchange rules for goods exports
2017.06.30 | Portuguese Version Only
Bearer Securities no longer exist
2017.06.16 | Portuguese Version Only
Financial crisis puts Angolan foreign exchange policy in check
2017.05.30 | Portuguese Version Only
Who can charge cleaning services fee after all?
2017.05.01 | Portuguese Version Only
On the road to robotization?
A Floating Revolution in Troubled Waters
Oil & Gas Fields of Opportunity: Stepping into Senegal
Côte D'Ivoire: the Oil Industry's Corporate Form Dilemma
Mozambique: Steps towards a Local Gas Industry
2017.02.01 | Portuguese Version Only
The right to "swith off"
2017.01.31 | Portuguese Version Only
David vs. Goliath: analysis of the Angolan Tax System
2017.01.20 | Portuguese Version Only
Maritime Activity in Angola. What should you do?
2016.12.01 | Portuguese Version Only
For a clearer and more predictable regulatory framework
Developing renewable and sustainable energy potencial in Mozambique
2016.12.01 | Portuguese Version Only
The Regulation of the Centre for Commercial Arbitration on Appointment, Refusal and Substitution of Arbitrators in non-institutionalized arbitrations in the Centre
New Congolese Hydrocarbons Code: Eppur si muove ...
2016.11.01 | Portuguese Version Only
The 50th Anniversary of the Portuguese Civil Code
Equatorial Guinea New Licensing Round
Frontier Opportunities in West Africa
Angola's Petroleum Reform
Regulatory and Environmental Challenges of developing Africa's biofuels potential
2016.09.23 | Portuguese Version Only
An unprotected coastline?
2016.09.15 | Portuguese Version Only
The duties of players that are surplus to requirements
A New Dawn
Power Generation in Africa - Mozambique: A case study
A new mining code for Timor-Leste
2016.08.06 | Portuguese Version Only
And the air? Pays tax already?
The rise of the Unions in Sub-Saharan Africa
Business Opportunities in Angola's Refining Sector
The Opening Up of a New Sector: Investment Opportunities in Angola’s Downstream
Angola's Petroleum Regulatory Reform - The Dawn of a New Age?
2016.05.11 | Portuguese Version Only
... And what if the rules get lost along the way?
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