Petroleum Law, Public International Law, Constitutional Law, Lisbon Universities (1995-2016)

Guest Professor | Lecturer


Portuguese Government Task Group for the Extension of the Continental Shelf (2005-2006)

Legal Coordinator

Timor-Leste Government (UN Position), Legal Adviser for the Petroleum Sector (2004-2005)

Legal Adviser


University of Durham (2002)

Ph.D. in Law (Public International Law)


Timor-Leste Government (Cooperation), Legal Adviser for Maritime Boundaries Negotiations (Timor Sea) (2000-2004)

Legal Adviser


Portuguese Government, Interministerial Commission on Continental Shelf Delimitation (1999-2004)

Legal Adviser


University of Durham (1998)

M.A. International Boundaries


Portuguese Hydrographic Office (1996-2004)

Legal Adviser


Lisbon University Law School (1995)

Degree in Law

CONFERENCE: Post-Graduate Course on Taxation

VENUE: Lisbon Law School of the Catholic University of Portugal

DATE: October 2018

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Oil and Gas and Energy Taxation" (Module)


CONFERENCE: Post-Graduate Course on Energy (Lecturer)

VENUE: Lisbon Law School of the Catholic University of Portugal

DATE: October 2018

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION: “Petroleum E&P Activities" (Module)


CONFERENCE: Post-Graduate Course – Open Lecture

VENUE: Lisbon Nova University Law School

DATE: April 2018

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION: "Upstream Petroleum Activities in Contractual Perspective"


CONFERENCE: "Obligations of States in Undelimited Areas"



DATE: 22 July 2016

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION: "Undelimited Areas: Impediment to Petroleum Operations? Some Reflections and Hesitations."


CONFERENCE: Post-Graduate Course – Open Lecture

VENUE: Lisbon Nova University Law School

DATE: 12 April 2016

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION: "Upstream Petroleum Activities in Contractual Perspective"


CONFERENCE: “Maritime Safety and Environmental Protection In Europe: Multiple Layers in Regulation and Compliance

VENUE: Oporto

DATE:  23 May 2014

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION: “Decision-Making in the Imminence of Disaster: Prevalence of National Interests?


“Entitlement to Maritime Zones and Their Delimitation: In the Doldrums of Uncertainty and Unpredictability”

Alex G. Oude Elferink et al. (eds.) Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Case Law – Is It Consistent and Predictable?, CUP, pp.62-91




“Decision-Making in the Imminence of Disaster: ‘Places of Refuge’ and the Prevalence of National Interests”

Chantal Ribeiro and E. J. Molenaar (Eds.), Maritime Safety and Environmental Protection in Europe. Multiple Layers in Regulation and Compliance (Proceedings of the MARSAFENET* Open Conference, 23 May 2014) pp.85-125




“Lei do Fundo Petrolífero de Timor-Leste: A Governação de Receitas Petrolíferas”

AA.VV. Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Marcello Caetano (No centenário do seu nascimento), Volume II, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora - pp.441-469




“Some Thoughts on the Technical Input in Maritime Delimitation”

David A. Colson and Robert W. Smith (eds.) International Maritime Boundaries, Vol. V, Leiden – Boston, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp.3377-3398




The Spatial Allocation of Continental Shelf Rights in the Timor Sea: Reflections on Maritime Delimitation and Joint Development”

The Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) – Dundee University (UK), Vol.13 (13)




“The 1999 Eritrea‑Yemen Maritime Delimitation Award and the Development of International Law”

International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Volume 50, Part 2, pp. 299‑344




“The Pending Maritime Delimitation in the Cameroon v. Nigeria Case: A Piece in the Jigsaw Puzzle of the Gulf of Guinea”

International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Volume 15, Number 2, pp. 163‑192




Estoppel, Acquiescence and Recognition in Territorial and Boundary Dispute Settlement”

Boundary and Territory Briefing, Volume 2, Number 8, University of Durham, International Boundaries Research Unit




“Porque Não Existe Direito de Passagem Inofensiva para Dentro das Linhas de Fecho nas Embocaduras do Tejo e do Sado”

Anais do Clube Militar Naval, Volume CXXIX, pp. 695-702




“The Eritrea‑Yemen Arbitration: First Stage – The Law of Title to Territory Re‑Averred” International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Volume 48, Part 2, pp. 362‑386




“O Novo Regime Jus‑Internacional do Mar: A Consagração ex vi pacti de um mare nostrum”

Anais do Clube Militar Naval, Volume CXXVIII, pp. 287-309



“Estudos em Direito Internacional Público”



Portuguese | English


Towards the Conceptualisation of Maritime Delimitation: Legal and Technical Aspects of a Political Process”

Martinus Nijhoff Publishers




“O Direito de Acção Popular no Contencioso Administrativo Português”




Fluent in Portuguese and English. Proficient in French and Spanish.

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