Angola | 2021.08.20
Tender launched for the Concession of the Exploitation of Maritime Passenger Terminals in Luanda

A limited tender by previous qualification for the management of the Maritme Passenger Terminals of Kapossoka, Mussulo, Museu da Escravatura and Macôco is underway.

This tender is part of the strategy to boost maritime transport and revitalize port areas.

The tender is divided into two lots: Kapossoca + Mussulo and Museum of Slavery + Macôco and is open to national and foreign companies. The concession period will be ten years, and, among others, the bidders are required to submit a certificate of contracting professional risk insurance and five years of proven experience in similar activities.

The award will comply with the criterion of the most economically advantageous bid, in addition to a rigorous assessment of the technical capabilities of the bidders.

The contracting company is Empresa Portuária de Luanda E.P.

The deadline for submitting bids is 22 September 2021.

For more information on this Project Alert please contact:
[email protected]

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