Angola | 2021.06.22
Regulation On Public Access To Capital Markets Commission Records

CMC Regulation No. 4/21, of 4 June 2021, which entered into force on 5 June 2021, established the terms relating to public access to records held by the Capital Markets Commission and to documents that have served as their basis.

Public access is prohibited in respect of: (i) documents containing personal data that is not included in the record; (ii) records that are being held as part of a transgression process or of ongoing investigations; (iii) records that, for any other reason, are subject to secrecy; (iv) records that under the law are not public in nature.

Any individual or legal person may submit a request for access to records and documents by completing a form, which may be submitted in person or by email to [email protected]. The applicant is not required to present the reasons for requesting access. Access is free, except for the copying of documents by the CMC. The CMC will notify applicants of its decision within five working days from the date of receipt of the application. Failure to notify within the time limit is subject to complaint within five working days. The CMC has a maximum period of 15 working days to consider and decide on the complaint. If the request for access is refused, the applicant will be informed of the decision in writing, and of the possibility to challenge said decision.

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