Angola | 2021.04.30
New Licensing Round for Petroleum Concessions Launched

The National Agency for Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis, “ANPG”), the National Concessionaire for the Angolan petroleum sector, launched today, 30 April 2021, a new petroleum licensing round.

Nine blocks were put on offer: Blocks CON 1, CON 5 and CON 6 in the onshore Lower Congo Basin; and Blocks KON 5, KON 6, KON 8, KON 9, KON 17 and KON 20 in the onshore Kwanza Basin.
The announcement covers the following aspects:

  • Bidding rules and procedures (including application and proposal templates);
  • Requirements for being an associate of ANPG;
  • Additional requirements for operators;
  • Quality, health, safety and environment requirements; and
  • Terms of Reference (“TORs”).

The TORs deal with the key items for assessment of the bids, specifically:

  • Bidding items: minimum work program, contribution for social projects and contribution for environmental protection;
  • Fixed items: cost oil limit, investment premium, profit oil sharing and technical and administrative fee for the National Concessionaire; and
  • Variable items: duration of the initial exploration phase, number of exploration wells and Km of 2D seismic.

Interested companies are required to pay an entry fee in the amount of USD 1,000,000, which grants access to the data package of the onshore Lower Congo and Kwanza Basins.
Proposals must be drafted in Portuguese and delivered by 5.30 pm (GMT +1) on 9 June 2021. The bid opening ceremony is scheduled for the following day.

Should you wish to receive additional information on this alert, please contact:
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