Angola | 2021.09.09
International Public Tender for Lobito Corridor

An international tender has been launched for the management and maintenance of the Benguela Railroad (Caminho-de-Ferro de Benguela), also known as the Lobito Corridor.

This is a structural project for the region and has enormous economic potential.

The 2,000-km corridor connects the Port of Benguela to the Democratic Republic of Congo (to be extended in the future to Zambia), enabling the transportation of minerals, fuels, cargo and passengers.

The tender foresees the incorporation of a special purpose vehicle, with direct participation from the State.

This company will be responsible for: (i) the operation and maintenance of the Lobito/Luau railway infrastructure; (ii) the operation of the railfreight service on the Lobito/Luau railway line; (iii) the construction and operation of two freighttransit terminals supporting the railfreight service on the Lobito/Luau railway; (iv) the management of a training centre; and (v) the operation and maintenance of the railway workshops.

According to the terms of the concession, the Minerals Terminal at the Port of Lobito will also be included.

A fee in the amount of fifty thousand US dollars (USD 50,000) must be paid to access the tender documents.

Proposals must be submitted by 7 December 2021.


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