Angola | 2022.02.23
Increase in the National Minimum Salary and Remote Working

Increase in the National Minimum Salary
Presidential Decree No. 54/22, of 17 February 2022 was approved updating the statutory national minimum monthly salary per economic sector as from 17 February 2022. The national minimum salary was set out at (i) AOA 48,271.73 for the general trade and mining industry; (ii) AOA 40,226.44 for the transportation, services and transforming industries, and (iii) AOA 32,181.15 for the agriculture and economic activities not included in the other categories. The current increase in the statutory national minimum monthly roughly amounts to a 50% increase from the minimum amounts previously set out by Presidential Decree No. 89/19, of 21 March 2019.
Remote Working
The regulations on remote working have been approved by Presidential Decree no. 52/22, of 17 February 2022. This new statute sets out the rules on the remote working regime, regulating the situations that allow for or mandate the enforcement of said regime, the form and contents of the special agreement to be implemented. The questions regarding work tools, employees’ additional expenses and duties and rights, working hours and right to privacy are also regulated. This legal regime shall enter into force on 19 March 2022.

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