Angola | 2022.05.06
Drafting and Implementation of Job Qualifiers

Presidential Decree No. 96/22, of 2 May 2022, was approved subjecting employers to rules on the drafting and implementation of job qualifiers, which have become mandatory for companies with more than ten (10) job posts with different functions. Companies that already have a job qualifier and those that, from now on, are required to have one, have a period of 12 (twelve) months to comply with the new rules. Companies incorporated after DP No. 96/22 has come into effect are entitled to a grace period of twelve (12) months to prepare and implement a job qualifier. The failure to have a job qualifier entails the assessment of a fine of 5 to 10 times the company´s average monthly salary whereas the lack of compliance with the rules on the drafting of the job qualifier entails a fine of 3 to 6 times the company´s average monthly salary. This legal statute has entered into force on May 2nd.

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