Angola | 2021.01.12
COVID 19: Newly Updated Public Calamity Measures

New public calamity measures were enacted by Presidential Decree No. 10/21, of 8 January 2021. The new statute amends and updates the rules established by Presidential Decree No. 314/20, of 11 December 2020, on the functioning of public and private services, social equipment and economic activities during the period of public calamity. The measures remain basically unchanged, with the exception of: (i) the lowering of the age of children under special protection, from 12 to 5 years of age, for the purposes of mandatory remote working by one of the parents; and (ii) the increase in the percentage of workforce authorized to be on a company’s premises to 75%. The new measures will be in force as from midnight on 11 January 2021 until 9 February 2021, and will be subject to new amendments according to any changes in the pandemic situation.

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