Cape Verde | 2020.04.22
COVID-19: Extension of State of Emergency in Cape Verde

The state of emergency was extended through Presidential Decree No. 7/2020, of 17 April 2020, with the renewal of the temporary exceptional measures in force since 28 March.
The state of emergency covers the entire national territory, although with different durations in virtue of the epidemiological situation on each island: until 2 May 2020 for the islands of Boa Vista, São Vicente and Santiago, and until 26 April 2020 for the remaining islands.

This presidential statute authorizes the adoption of legislative measures that penalize behaviors instigating collective disobedience or resistance to authority, while it is also established that the Attorney General's Office remains in full operation, with a view to the full exercise of its competencies and defense of democratic legality.
Through Decree-Law No. 44/2020, of 17 April 2020, it has been approved the regulation of the extension of the state of emergency. Regarding the previously established rules – which generally remain in force – we can highlight the following changes:

  • Prior authorization from the National Civil Protection and Fire Service (“Serviço Nacional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros”) is mandatory for traveling outside the municipality of residence; 
  • Certain public and private services which are not compulsorily closed – notable amongst which the Central Bank, commercial banks, insurance companies, telecommunications, registry and notary offices, social security and postal services – are now limited to absolutely essential activities; 
  • The urgent and essential services of the registry and notary offices will operate in shifts, the performance of the following acts being subject to prior appointment: (i) recognition of signatures, certification, sale and purchase public deeds, mortgages, opening of credit; (ii) incorporation of companies and issuance of commercial registration certificates; and (iii) property registration, including requests for property registration certificates; 
  • Violation of the general duties of self-isolation, as well as of the closure of public and private facilities, establishments and services, constitutes an offense, without prejudice to potential criminal liability, with the security forces having powers to apply the relevant fines.

Previously decreed preventive and exceptional measures remain in force.

At the end of the state of emergency period, certain measures to restrict circulation and maintain social distance will remain in force, including the following:

  • Prohibition of national and international flights, as well as maritime connections, with the exception of situations of emergency, evacuations of patients, humanitarian aid, and supplies of medicines, goods and produce; 
  • Prohibition of the holding of public events, in open or closed spaces, regardless of their nature; 
  • Prohibition of the functioning of catering establishments after 9 p.m., including bars, restaurants and terraces, with a total ban on consumption in open spaces, the capacity of said establishments being reduced to 1/3. 

These restrictive measures will be progressively lifted, in line with the changing epidemiological situation on each island.

For further information, please contact:
[email protected]

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