Angola | 2021.12.29
Civil Aviation Law Republished

Law No. 31/21, of 20 December 2021, republished the Civil Aviation Law, approved by Law No. 14/19, of 23 May 2019, and amended and revoked some of its provisions. New rules have also been added, and the law sets forh, inter alia:

  • information and cooperation obligations with the Civil Aviation Autority(ANAC);
  • the need to obtain a special authorization from ANAC for remotely piloted aircrafts to fly over Angolan territory;
  • measures to reduce dangers caused by fauna in aerodromes and surrounding areas;
  • that price fixing for the provision of public air services is free, but must be notified to ANAC and published;
  • that, for military or public safety reasons, the Angolan State may uniformly limit or prohibit aircraft from other States from flying over certain areas of its territory ("prohibited areas");
  • that the Angolan State undertakes to provide aid to air navigation and to adopt uniform systems with regard to aeronautical communications, air navigation and surveillance services.

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