Cape Verde | 2016.01.29

Law No. 102/VIII/2016, of 6 January 2016, which amends and republishes the Tax Benefits Code (TBC) was recently enacted.


Below, we highlight the most significant changes introduced by the new law:


Investments tax benefits


  • Investments made on industrial activities under the Investment Law, shall benefit from a tax credit in an amount corresponding to 50% of the eligible investment (previously the deduction was of 30%).


Investment Contract


  • The minimum eligible investment required to obtain tax benefits under an investment contract concluded with the Government is reduced to CVE 3 billion (EUR 27 million). Previously, the minimum investment amount was CVE 10 billion (EUR 90 million);
  • Reduction by 50% or 75% of the minimum investment amount and job creation required in case of investment projects implemented in designated economically less developed areas.


Cabo Verde International Business Centre


  • Entities licensed to operate within the Cape Verde International Business Center (IBC) are granted an additional five year period (until 2030) to benefit from reduced corporate income tax (Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Coletivas – IRPC) rates;
  • Shareholders of entities licensed to operate within the IBC may be exempt from taxation on dividends and interest received.


Business Recovery and Insolvency Procedures


  • New IRPC, personal income tax (Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Singulares – IRPS), stamp duty and property tax benefits are available for companies under recovery of business and insolvency procedures;
  • The changes to the TBC entered into force on 7 January 2016. The tax benefits to be granted to companies under business recovery or insolvency procedures shall only be available once the Business Recovery and Insolvency Code enters into force.

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