Amorim & Associados (2009-2015)

Managing Partner


Oporto University Economics School (2009-2010)

Lecturer - Post-Graduate lessons of “Public-Private Partnerships”


VdA - Vieira De Almeida & Associados (2006-2009)

Oporto office director


Oporto District Council of the Portuguese Bar Association (2005)

Lecturer - Seminar on “Administrative Procedural Practice”


Oporto Law School of the Catholic University of Portugal (2004-2008)

Lecturer - Seminar on “Public-Private Partnerships and Project Finance”


Oporto Law School of the Catholic University of Portugal (2004)

Lecturer - Seminar on “The Iberian Electrical Energy Market”


Lisbon Nova University Law School (2003-2005)

Lecturer – Class on Public Law, “Interdisciplinary Legal Practice II”


Oporto Law School of the Catholic University of Portugal (2003)

Post-Graduate Degree in New Administrative Litigation Reform


Oporto University Engineering School (2001-2008)

Lecturer – Lessons of Construction Law


Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira (1998-2006)

Lawyer, Head of the Public Law Department


Flamínio Roza Advogados (1997-1998)



Portuguese Bar Association

Admitted in 1997


Coimbra University Law School (1996)

Post-Graduate Degree in Territorial and Urban Planning and Environment Law


Oporto Law School of the Catholic University of Portugal (1995)

Degree in Law

Best Lawyers (2013, 2014)

Awarded “40 under Forty Award” by Iberian Lawyer (2009)

Chambers Europe (2008-2016)

Legal 500 (2004, 2008-2016)

CONFERENCE: 1st Conference on the legal framework for investment in Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde

VENUE: Matosinhos City Council

DATE: 8 June 2016

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION: “Miranda´s presentation”


CONFERENCE: The 2016 State Budget - Technical analysis from a business perspective

VENUE: Palácio da Bolsa (Oporto)

DATE: 15 April 2016

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION: “Miranda´s presentation”


CONFERENCE: Almedina Congress on Administrative Litigation

VENUE: Altis Grand Hotel (Lisbon)

DATE: 24 October 2014

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Round Table: A Lawyer's Insights”


CONFERENCE: Portuguese Bar Association Conferences

VENUE: Portuguese Bar Association (Oporto)

DATE: November 2009

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Litigation and implementation of administrative contracts


CONFERENCE: CTT Public Law Seminar

VENUE: CTT – Correios de Portugal (Lisbon)

DATE: 2008

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Questions on the new legal regime of public works contracts


CONFERENCE: APDL Public Law Presentation

VENUE: APDL – Administração dos Portos do Douro e Leixões, S.A.

DATE: 2008

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Public-private partnerships


CONFERENCE: LIPOR Public Law Presentation

VENUE: LIPOR – Serviço Intermunicipalizado de Gestão de Resíduos do Grande Porto

DATE: 2008

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Public works contracts under the Public Procurement Code”


CONFERENCE: Vila Nova de Famalicão City Council Public Law Presentation

VENUE: Vila Nova de Famalicão City Council

DATE: 2008

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Public Procurement Code procedures”


CONFERENCE: AICCOPN Public Law Presentation

VENUE: AICCOPN - Associação dos Industriais da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas

DATE: 2008

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Local Public-Private Partnerships and Project Finance


CONFERENCE: ASSICOM Public Law Presentation

VENUE: ASSICOM - Associação da Indústria, Associação da Construção da

Região Autónoma da Madeira

DATE: 2008

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION: “The new legal regime of public works contracts”


CONFERENCE: AICCOPN Public Law Presentation

VENUE: AICCOPN - Associação dos Industriais da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas

DATE: 2008

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Public-Private Partnerships and Project Finance”


CONFERENCE: Oporto City Council Public Law Presentation

VENUE: Oporto City Council

DATE: 2006

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Governmental contracts under the Public Procurement Code


CONFERENCE: Portuguese Bar Association Conferences

VENUE: Engenheiro António de Almeida Foundation

DATE: 2005

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Notes on injunctions under the administrative proceedings


CONFERENCE: IFE Public Law Presentation

VENUE: IFE (Lisbon)

DATE: 2004

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:The new Licensing Law. Decree-Law 12/2004”


CONFERENCE: 6th Seminar on Administrative Justice

VENUE: Minho University (Braga)

DATE: 2004

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:The procedural code and injunctions on the Administrative Courts


CONFERENCE: 1st Brazilian Congress of Energy Law

VENUE: São Paulo Conference Centre

DATE: 2003

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Community directives on the energy market”


CONFERENCE: 1st Energy Seminar

VENUE: San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid)

DATE: 2003

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION: “Portugal's current and foreseeable regulatory framework


CONFERENCE: 2nd Energy Forum - Iberian Energy Market

VENUE: Instituto de Empresa (Madrid)

DATE: 2003

TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION:Unification requirements. Advantages and disadvantages within the energy regulatory framework”


‘Administrative Litigation Review’  


(October 2014)



‘The New Voluntary Arbitration Law’





‘The procedural code and injunctions on the Administrative Courts: a first analysis’

Cadernos de Justiça Administrativa, n. º 47

(September/October 2004)



‘Community directives on generation, transmission, distribution and relation in the energy market’ (co-authorship)  

Revista Brasileira do Direito da Energia, n. º 1




Notes on precedent conditions of injunctions under the new administrative proceedings’

Revista da Ordem Dos Advogados

(April 2003)



'A integração do contrato administrativo'
Revista de Contratos Públicos

 “Notes on Previous Information Order under the Legal Regime of Urban Planning and Building” in “Urban Planning and Territorial Law”



Portuguese (ISBN: 9789724047966)


“Public Procurement Code and Complementary Legislation. Reading Guide and Applicability”  



Portuguese (ISBN: 9789724035802)

Fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

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