Angola | 2024.08.05
New HSE Regulations

Presidential Decree No. 179/24, 1 August 2024 has just been gazetted approving the new Regulations on the Licensing for the Exercise of Health, Safety and Environment Services (“HSE”).

The new Regulations establish the rules on HSE services, their registration and authorization procedure before the General Inspectorate of Labor, with the new rules being applicable to all companies that already have the respective HSE services in operation. The duty to issue an annual report on HSE services is also foreseen and must be prepared in accordance with the form defined by the Regulations.

The new statute also regulates occupational medicine activities, the types of medical examinations required by law and the issuance of the respective certificates if fitness, also approving the respective official forms.

The Regulations came into force on the day of its gazetting. Companies providing HSE services that have registration and licensing applications still pending have 15 days to adapt their authorization requests to the new legal requirements.

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